Friday, May 1, 2015

Powtoon- Copyright


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your script was very well written I wish you would have talked slower. The plot of the story was great and creative, You didn't cite your sources for the snow flakes and background. The requirements of the powtoon.

  3. Nice job on following the rubric. It was very creative but I think you just read what the rubric was talking about. You met all of the requirements but talked way to fast. Next time slow down to describe everything clearer

  4. I think the way that you choose to present your information was very creative especially with the snowflakes. I really understood the information that you were trying to present. I feel as though all of the requirements were met and fulfilled. I would suggest for you to not just stop when you are narrating and to slow everything down. But the Powtoon was really well done.

  5. I think the way you presented the information. I think you could have made the words on the page stay longer and keep them their. All of the powtoon requirements were met. I liked the word choice that you used when using snowflakes. I think you should have took your time with the narration and match your text up with your voice.

  6. I think you followed all the requirements. Your story was very interesting, and I thought you explained everything well. All the powtoon requirements were met. I really liked your animations and how they synced up. Maybe speak slower.

  7. The video taught what was required in the rubric. The story and or script was super creative and it was easy to understand and did it add to the understanding of the topic? The Powtoon were requirements met, the background was a bit distracting though. Also you didn't cite your source. I would suggest to slow down and cite your source.

  8. I thought you met all of the requirements during your powtoon, and it taught what was required in the rubric. But during the presentation, you sounded a little shaky and a little unconfident so I suggest that you work on that a little more, also you used the same background a lot so that made the powtoon a little bland. But otherwise good job!

  9. I thought you met all of the requirements during your powtoon, and it taught what was required in the rubric. But during the presentation, you sounded a little shaky and a little unconfident so I suggest that you work on that a little more, also you used the same background a lot so that made the powtoon a little bland. But otherwise good job!

  10. Your video taught the information in the rubric, although it was a little straight forward and just sounded like you were talking to the audience. However, your script was creative and I really liked the metaphor you used with the snowflakes; that made your video unique. All of the Powtoon requirements were met and added to the video. In the future, I would try to find a better place to record because your narration was a little fuzzy, and you paused a few times. Also, I caught a few spelling errors, even though they were minor. Great job though!

  11. You talked about everything that you need to talk about. The powtoon was perfect when it came to what you need. The script was very good. Next time you should speak slower. Also maybe add writing

  12. Great topic, great facts! Speak a little slower, but you had great fluency. I recommend a little more pictures or background. Its super cool! (pun intended)

  13. I really like the way you presented the information, and I thought your script was really creative. If you had more backgrounds, I think that could have improved your powtoon, but overall you did a really nice job!

  14. Your video met all the requirments on the rubric. I thought your script was very creative because you had the idea of making it about snowflakes which was pretty cool! The powtoon requirments were also met. You did not cite your sources though. I really liked your images and I thought you added to much words on the screen because we didn't have enough time to read them.

  15. You flowed really well until that last part. Very creative to to use snowflakes. Your video cut short and the citation was missing too. But over all a great Powtoon.
